Avatar: The Last Airbender (a.k.a Avatar the Legend of Aang) is a digitally animated cartoon that aired for almost three years (i.e., 2005 to 2008) on the Nickelodeon channel. The show itself was originally written and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Brian Konietzko. The show takes place in an Asian setting, with a character named "Aang" serving as the hero. Aang and all of the friends whom he meets on his journey must find the "firelord", defeat him, and bring the battle against the Fire Nation to a halt.

Astoundingly, on average, more than five million people tuned in to watch the show each time it aired- it was not only popular with young viewers, but aged critics, parents, young adults, and older teenagers, too. Having been nominated for a variety of awards, Nickelodeon has recently opted to have the creators produce more seasons, and because the show has garnished so much popularity, they are asking for movies to be made based on the show, also. Toys, such as video games, magazines, collectible figures and models, cards, and blocks have emerged from the story's huge success. Thus, the incredible power of this epic tale is influencing the lives of many individuals worldwide, not just young teenagers, and it is paramount to recognize that the Avatar series has been going strongly for over four years.

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